“A Church Where Everyone Is Important”
Bishop Kenneth Reynolds
Elect Lady Tosha Reynolds
In the year of 2000, Moving By Faith COJCFG was established by the man and women of God, Apostle Jerry Reynolds and Apostle Vella Johnson. They were handed the key to the doors of the church without money, but with the favor and approval of God. During the timespan of 2000-2007, the Moving By Faith ministry flourished, and souls were saved. It was under the Moving By Faith ministry and under the leadership of Apostle Jerry Reynolds and Apostle Vella Johnson, that Bishop Kenneth Reynolds accepted Christ, in the year of 2001.In 2007, Bishop Kenneth Reynolds was selected and ordained to become the Sr. Pastor of Moving By Faith COJCFG. With the help of God, in 2010, the church name was changed to Shekinah Glory C.O.J.C. Along with that name change, came a new identity and a clearer vision. Through powerful preaching and teaching, Shekinah Glory has flourished as a true place of restoration and spiritual empowerment.In 2013, God gave Bishop Reynolds a vision for Shekinah Glory called “Change for Africa”. With this vision, Shekinah Glory has assisted in bringing a change to Africa “One Soul At A Time”, and has consistently provided tuition for 20 kids to attend school on an annual basis. In April of 2016, Shekinah Glory launched its first international ministry in Liberia, Africa called Shekinah Glory C.O.J.C. Liberia. Since then, we have also established ministries in Uganda, Rwanda, and Kenya. These are the first of many churches that will open in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the banner of Shekinah Glory C.O.J.C.With the help of God, we are constantly learning how to break the traditions of men and rely totally upon God and his word. Our motto is “The Church Where Everyone is Important” for we are many members, but we come together to make up one body, which is the body of Christ.
Phone: 409-246-7833
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:Shekinah Glory
P.O. Box 843
3010 North Park Drive Port Arthur, TX 77642
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